The last challenge was to use a border cut from the Walk In My Garden cartridge. I chose a leaf border, which I stickled the edges in bronze. I stamped "Autumn" and embossed with copper as well as the leaves hanging on the ribbon. Check out the other designer's creations at They are all fabulous!
I have been swamped with getting things taken care of around the house before we leave for Vegas, and then TRYING to decide what to pack. Going to Vegas requires a little more thought on what clothes to throw into the suitcase. We've gotta look "pimped out" and that requires wardrobe testing, as in trying on different outfits in different combinations. It's exhausting! LOL Here is a pic of me and my Florida friend Daphne, at the SDV (Scrapper's Dream Vacation) at Disney's Contemporary Resort. This pic cracks me up, with the stickles in our hands!
I have returned from my first Scrapper's Dream Vacation (SDV) in Orlando, Florida. It was a blast! I met some really nice people, got to see some old friends, and scrapped away day and night. I would love to go every year. It was also my first trip flying by myself. I was a little worried, but I was travelling along like a pro. I have flown so many times before, there really was no need to worry myself so. The rest of September will be busy as well. We are getting ready for our trip to Vegas. Can't wait for that! It's good to be back!