September 17, 2008
Latest BBTB Design

September 10, 2008
Card for Friend

New BBTB Design
Here's my latest design for Bitten By The Bug. We had to use the basket cut. I also cut out the adorable snowman. He's so funny lookin'. Like I said, I've been working on Christmas cards, so this just helps me meet my quota! lol I finally got my new Cuttlebug embossing folders. I got one set of the border embossing ones and I used that here on the background paper...see the scallops? Those are embossed and then I inked over them to make them stand out. I also Stickled the button snowballs, and drew on the melting snow on the basket then Stickled that too. I love all the patterned papers used....the snowflakes for the snowman, the pink snowflake background and the red/green/blue stripe background. Yummy!

Miles of Smiles,

Miles of Smiles,
Poodles Poodles Everywhere
I'm sure you all think I haven't been card making lately, but you are wrong. I started working on Christmas cards, and figured it was a little too early to post them! But I do have a few things to share. This card I made for my niece's 7th birthday. I used my Stardust pen over all the poodles on the patterned paper. I loved the pink and aqua colors together.

Miles of Smiles,

Miles of Smiles,
September 4, 2008
Scary Moment This Morning
So I'm getting into my car this morning on my way to work, and I realize that there is a spider web on my car. No biggie. As I get closer, I see that the web goes from the back door all the way to my rear view mirror. Wow. Kind of impressive. (tried to get a pic but the sun was working against me). I open my door....and I see movement. On the rear view mirror is a spider the size of Texas! Of course I involuntarily scream and slam the door. I remember repeating the phrase "holy shit" a few times as well. I mean this thing is a monster. It's ginormous when it's all scrunched up, but when it moves and stretches out, (again) holy shit! I have to remain calm....but I have to get a pic because no one is going to believe me. I very carefully take a pic with my phone (you can see my reflection with my look of terror). Then I got get the broom. This is not good. I feel the need for reinforcements but of course I am all alone and my knight in shining armor (Ben) is thousands of miles away. First I sweep the web away. This only infuriates the beast. Oh God...it turned around...it's LOOKING at me. ieeeeewwwww....it's got red something on it's face; I don't know if it's fangs or eyes or blood from its latest victim or what but it now sees me and is not happy. I swat the broom at it again. I have sandals on so there's no way I'm going to attempt to step on it. This time he flies off the mirror but is still attached to the spider web so I have to wait like 5 seconds for him to gently float to the driveway. Then I smash him with the broom! once....twice....three times. He's curled up, but I think he's only feigning death. Fine....feign all you want, I'm just gonna sweep you into the lawn and if a bird happens to swoop down and eat you up I'm not going to lose sleep over it. So I sweep, but then....where did he go? Seriously...where the hell is he? I NEED to see spider carcass somewhere to set my mind at ease. Oh God...did he fly up on me or in my hair? Oh noooo.....heebie jeebies! I have no idea where he went. He may still be in the broom......which I guess I will have to burn now. And for the rest of the day I will have the heebie jeebies thinking I feel it walking on me awaiting it's revenge. I know you'll probably look at the picture and think, oh that's not so big. But look at it in relation to my rear view mirror! When he's all stretched out walking he's like a quarter of the size of the mirror. oh so creepy! I think I was very brave considering I HATE spiders. Oh and then I get to work as as I'm walking to my desk, some weirdo bug starts trotting across the carpet too. I suppose he had some email to check....so I stomp him to death as well. He was a piece of cake compared to spidey. Not a good day for insects (OK, or technically arachnids)....What next?....Come on....Bring It On!!! 

August 29, 2008
Melissa's Shopbooking Adventure!
Yes, you read that right...it's not misspelled....a SHOPBOOKING Adventure! I had scheduled a vacation for myself since the spring. Originally it was supposed to be to go to the SDV (Scrapper's Dream Vacation) at Disney in Orlando, as I had done last year. But us girls got to talking about it, and how super expensive it is to do that....and, well, before we knew it, D. asked if we wanted to save some money and use her timeshare for a condo in Tampa (Indian Shores, actually) and have our own little scrapbooking getaway. We knew there were several stores in the surrounding areas that we wanted to visit, a few rather well-known ones. The idea was we'd save money from going to the SDV and use it to go shopping instead! Ok, well this was a no brainer. We all said YES! duh And this was for a whole week, not just 4 days like the Disney one would be. So I (strategically) packed my paper and scissors, glue, inks and embellishments for my trip to Tampa. I was so organized and proud of myself....I had all my paper, buttons, stickers etc in my carry on (basically anything that wouldn't set off a red flag) and the rest of my glues, inks, scissors etc in half of my suitcase. The other half I did have to pack some clothes and swimsuits (yes, I know, unfortunately!) It was CRAZY. There were always 4 of us. It was Me, D, V, and L, and then V left midweek and R arrived. Yes, we were silly and called each other by our first initial most of the time too. The mini van was loaded to the brink of explosion! Aside from XL bags, luggage, food etc we also had a few folding tables to use at the condo. We had a Cricut Expression, Cuttlebug, stamps, inks, rub-ons, and paper galore! And that doen't even count the ginormous piles of scrap stuff we purchased. There were "seat gifts" and prezzies flying all over the place. One of our gifts D made us was adorable pink T's with an iron-on of our adventure: Shopbooking Adventure 2008 with all our names listed. Too cute! We have many pics of us in those shirts. So in case you need explanation of that, we SHOPPED during the day and SCRAPBOOKED at night - hence shopbooking! Great, huh? Since Tropical Storm Fay was heading right for us, all we watched on TV was either the Weather Channel or the Olympics, and an occasional DVD movie. We didn't get hit too bad from the storm. It headed inland and stalled. We had one day of rain and wind, but nothing like what the east coast ended up getting. Even Deltona got a ton of rain. We had soooo much fun, laughin' and scrappin' and shoppin' and drivin'. And boy, did we do some driving! Like I said we were on the gulf, and we drove to Tampa, Clearwater, Largo, St. Petersburg, just to name a few. We hit a shop on the way in, called Violette's and it was my favorite out of all the shops we visited. It was super cute, very large, good selection (slightly higher prices), and a wonderful staff. We ended up stopping there again on our way home. With all the shopping I did, I couldn't bring too much of it back with me, so I left it at D's for now. I figure I will only be without it for about a month, and then we'll be living down there. Poor D has a bunch of my stuff (thanks, sis) probably getting in her way and I'm sure she'll be glad when I can retrieve it! When I do, it will be like Christmas, because I'm sure I won't even remember what I left. That'll be fun! Throughout the trip, there were 2 things in particular that I was on a mission to find: a Basic Grey stamp set called Grow A Garden and a corner punch that makes a notch (think backwards corner rounder). Did I find either? Nope. So bummed about that. But we got some good deals with clearance items and sales, so I can't complain. We drove back up to Deltona on Saturday and I got to see my hub and our house until I left on Monday to fly back home. It was such a great trip! Met some fab new gals, and I hope we can do it again next year.
Miles of Smiles,
Miles of Smiles,
August 4, 2008
Train Challenge, BBTB
Miles of Smiles,
August 1, 2008
Purple Hippo

Miles of Smiles,
Froggy # 2

Miles of Smiles,
July 29, 2008
Feel Better Card

Miles of Smiles,
July 25, 2008
Hang On Frog

Miles of Smiles,
July 23, 2008
Number Signs, Anyone?

Miles of Smiles,
July 18, 2008
Another Girlie Card

Miles of Smiles,
Girlie Card

Miles of Smiles,
July 15, 2008
Cowboy Hat Challenge

Miles of Smiles,
July 3, 2008
July 1, 2008
Graduation Card

Miles of Smiles,
Father's Day FIL
June 30, 2008
Bebe' Card

Miles of Smiles,
Wings Swap

Miles of Smiles,
Father's Day
June 16, 2008
Elephant Post It Holder

Miles of Smiles,
June 10, 2008
Sweet Land of Liberty Popsicle Card

Miles of Smiles,
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