Here is my latest design for Bitten By The Bug. We had to use the ice cream cone from the Indie Art cartridge. This was a fun challenge cuz the ice cream cone cuts out so stinkin' cute! I knew I would just have to use the adorable treats paper with the ice cream, cupcakes and popsicles on it too. Yummy! Go check out the other designers projects at BBTB...they are so COOL! Pun intended! lol
Yay! I FINALLY have a loaner laptop to get e-mail and update my blog. Woohoo! Here is my latest design for Bitten By The Bug. We had to use the ring from the Mickey and Friends cartridge. I cut it out and stickled it. It is a gate fold card. I addd pearly stickles to the white dots on the right. Hope you all enjoy. And check out the other designs at BBTB. They rock.