Hello Again
Hello again! I know it's been a little while since I've posted. We went on a trip to Florida again. We got to see our friends and visit the area a little more. Oh it was soooo nice there. The weather was just fabulous! We really didn't want to leave. Beautiful blue skies, green grass and tropical plants, palm trees, warm breezes....{sigh}. Unfortunately, I didn't get any scrapbooking done, like I had planned, but oh well. When we landed back here at home it was only in the 30's, and everything is still so brown and dreary. Blah. The daffydills are blooming, and actually some of the trees and shrubs are getting flowers too, so maybe spring really isn't that far away. I am a warm weather girl, so I just can't wait for it. While we were in Florida, we saw the Space Shuttle lift off. It was a night launch so it was so friggin' sweeeet. I got an awesome pic of it, but will have to post that later since the hub took my camera to work. I LOVE travelling. I so enjoy seeing new things and experiencing new places. Are there any jobs that pay me to travel? Have you ever seen that show on the Travel Channel with Samantha Brown? She has got THE BEST job! She just travels around and shows you the hotels and the cool places of wherever she is. Cool! My hub and I always say that should be me. I could soooo do her job. heehee Miles of Smiles,Melissa